Martha Blassnigg | Leonardo

Martha Blassnigg

In 2008/9 she was Senior Teaching Fellow at the International Graduate Center for the Study of Culture at Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany. She has completed two documentary films and has previously worked as film restorer at the Netherlands Filmmuseum. She undertook philosophical, anthropological and historical research into the experiences of various forms of mediation, in particular the perception of audio-visual media. Her research outcomes were published in Leonardo, Convergence, Technoetic Arts and in the anthology Screen Consciousness: Cinema, Mind and World edited by R. Pepperell and M. Punt (Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2006). Her research focus was on the late 19th century interventions in science, technology and art with regard to the studies of (the recording, projection and perception of) movement, time and memory, which resulted in the monograph Time, Memory, Consciousness and the Cinema Experience: Revisiting Ideas on Matter and Spirit, published by Rodopi Press (2009). A full list of publications and CV can be found at

Journal Articles

