Reynald Drouhin
Artistat Incident.netJoinville-le-Pont,
Focus area: Architecture, Astronomy, Space, Body, Self, Environmental Art, Eco Art, Land Art, Generative Practices, Generative Art, Geography, Geo-Locative, Mapping, Illustration, Painting, 2D Forms, Net Art, Sculpture, Spacial, Surveillance, Security, Urban Planning, Built Environment, Video, Film
Born in 1969. Lives and works in Paris. Reynald Drouhin has always experiments internet medium by seeking to represent it. In the course of technology advances in digital technology domain, it diverts the data available on the web, software and usage, experiment errors and incidents. His works are often the result of codified data or an established protocol – sometimes generative – and reveal a wealth of random and fragmentary representations. Aesthetically, it is through the monochrome and minimalist space that reflects his perception of the contemporary world, standing out more and more of the “matter” internet itself to represent this other space-time.