William Laziza
at Micro Museums
The Lazizas are interdisciplinary collaborators from 1970s in Austin TX to NYC in the 1980s until today where they present their works at Micro Museum and beyond. They founded Micro Museum in Downtown Brooklyn as a not for profit art center for their free-wheeling collaborative art events and activities. The work of the artists of Micro Museum are legendary since they showcased and presented multiple 1000s of emerging artists from every major discipline from annual International Video Art Festivals, to Public Access TV broadcast, to videoart works streaming via the Internet Video Archives. They continue to sponsor live music, dance and theater events at Micro Museum and are currently displaying their interactive media sculptures and visual art for the walk-in public every Saturday. Micro Museum is located at 123 Smith Street Brooklyn 11201. It has social networks identities and an extensive website at http://www.micromuseum.com.
Kathleen Laziza writes for Micro Museum’s blog where she muses on popular culture and her personal experiences as an artist in NYC on wordpress. She is a published author in Leonardo (Volume 29 Number 3 1996) with a piece entitled "Laziza Videdance and Lumia Project: The Intersection of Dance, Technology and Performance Art."
William Laziza’s interactive media installation “Videograph” was selected by the NY Times as its example of Art of the Future, published as part of their Millennium Edition, January 1, 2000.
Promote Art Works, Inc is Micro Museum’s not for profit organization and registered in NYS as a Registered Charity, as a 501c3 organization and Micro Museum® is trademarked with the US Patent and Trademark Office.