Kok Kee Choy
at Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Choy Kok Kee is a noted Singaporean digital media artist and an ex-Mensainternational. He holds an MA in Design for Interactive Media from theCentre of Electronic Arts, Middlesex University, London. Prior to hisstudies, he was trained in advertising art/applied art and fine art. KokKee has worked in the creative industry for more than two decades as acreative consultant and art director. He is also an academic and advisorto tertiary institutions and art colleges. As an artist, Kok Kee firstexhibited at the tender age of 11 in the late 1970s after being spottedas an art prodigy. Since then, Kok Kee has exhibited and won numerousart awards both locally and abroad. His work is acquired and collectedby both foreign and local commercial institutions, government bodies andeducational establishments. He is chairperson and member ofgovernmental, educational, art and design advisory committees andprofessional bodies. Kok Kee is also the founder and mastermind behindthe brand - Cult Of Creatives and the creative design agency - G.O.D.(Guru Of Design)Topic areas of expertise: Political matters, media, education, creativedesign, interactive media and arts development.