Peter Harries-jones
Born in Oxford, England, Peter Harries-Jones attended universities in the United States,South Africa and Oxford, where he obtained his doctorate. A specialist inthe field of urban anthropology and African Studies, he taught in theUniversity of Wales (Swansea), University of Khartoum (Sudan) and YorkUniversity (Ontario, Canada). He was a pioneer in the field of socialnetwork analysis and from there began to spread his teaching to includecommunication studies, cybernetics, systems theory and ecology. GregoryBateson was one of the few figures developing this inter-disciplinaryfield. Research in the Bateson archives resulted in a book, A RecursiveVision: Ecological Understanding and Gregory Bateson, which appeared in1995. Harries-Jones is currently associated with the Biosemiotics Group, and is on the editorial board and contributor to the _Journal of Biosemiotics_ ("Honeybees, Communicative Order, and the Collapse of Ecosystems," (2009) 2:193-204). He is also a contributor to _A Legacy for Living Systems: Gregory Bateson as Precursor to Biosemiotics_ edited by Jesper Hoffmeyer (, 2008)