| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Ana Peraica

A Visiting Professor at Danube University Kremsat Danube University Krems
Focus area: Art Theory, Critical Theory

Dr. Ana Peraica is the author of the books The Age of Total Images (Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, 2019), Fotografija kao dokaz (Multimedijalni Institute, Zagreb, 2018) and Culture of the Selfie (Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, 2017), among others, as well as the editor of several readers, including Smuggling Anthologies, Victims Symptom (PTSD and Culture), and Žena na raskrižju ideologija. Her chapters and encyclopaedia articles are included in edited readers published by Routledge, MIT Press, Palgrave MacMillan, SAGE and other academic publishers. She is a Visiting Professor at Danube University near Vienna, Austria, and was recently a visiting lecturer at Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary. In addition to her academic work, she still runs a photographic studio in Split, Croatia opened by her grandfather and also run by her father.

Journal Articles:
Leonardo Reviews

Photography off the Scale: Technologies and Theories of the Mass Image

February 2022
Leonardo Reviews

Archive, Photography and the Language of Administration

February 2022
General Articles

Exploitation of Victims' Desire for Revenge: A Natural Psychological Mechanism and Its Unnatural Production in Culture and Politics

February 2011
Leonardo Reviews

Big Data, Little Data, No Data: Scholarship in the Networked World

February 2016
Leonardo Reviews

Image Science: Iconology, Visual Culture, and Media Aesthetics

June 2016
Leonardo Reviews

Mirror Affect: Seeing Self, Observing Others in Contemporary Art

October 2017
Leonardo Reviews

Nonhuman Photography

February 2019

Immediations: The Humanitarian Impulse in Documentary

April 2019