Adolfo Adamo
at University of CalabriaCosenza,
Adolfo Adamo is a theatrical writer and director, actor and a PhD in Psychology of Programming and Artificial Intelligence. Among his theatrical works we can cite “Serendipity” and “The Strange Attractor”. Some recent publications are:
* Adamo A., Tavernise A. (2005), Dalla scienza alla coscienza: alcune riflessioni sulla creazione dell’atto unico L’attrATTORE strano. Proceedings of Mathematics, Art and Industrial Culture Conference, Cetraro (Cs), Italy, 19-21 May, 2005.
* Adamo A., Tavernise A. (2005), Generation of Ego dynamics. Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Generative Art, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, 15-17 December, 2005.
* Adamo, A. (2009). Edutainmentheatres. Cosenza: Pellegrini Editore.
Journal Articles: