Cynthia Pannucci
Founder-Directorat Art & Science Collaborations
For the past 30-years (1988), I have been the Founder-Director (and project manager/eBulletin Editor) at ASCI. Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. is a small, highly specialized, nonprofit organization whose purpose is to raise public awareness about artists and scientists using science and/or technology to explore new forms of creative expression, and to increase communication and collaborations between these fields. ASCI is geared to expansive, inter/multi-disciplinary minds that are seeking cohesive integration in the service of ideas.
See our archived Historical Website for information beginning in the early 1990s about: ASCI history, seminal global ArtSci symposia in NYC [1998-2002], exhibitions, projects, featured members, Member Homepage Listing & News, and monthly ASCI eBulletins. Our current website has info from 2015-2018.
ASCI's Facebook Group Page is VERY active at: