| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Frank Dufour

Professor emeritusat UT Dallas
Focus area: Archiving, Conservation, Computer Music, Electroacoustic Music, Sonification, Digital Art, New Media, Ecology, Environment, Experimental Music, UX, UI Design

Frank Dufour is an emeritus professor in the school of Arts, Technology, and Emerging communication at the University of Texas at Dallas.
His research is primarily dedicated to the perception of sound and music from a phenomenological perspective.
Frank Dufour is a member of the laboratory Musique et Informatique de Marseille (MIM) where he uses the system of the Temporal Semiotic Units to develop visualizations of music and create inter-semiotic translations.
In the school of ATEC, Frank Dufour is with xtine burrough one of the founders of LabSynthE, (Laboratory of Synthetic and Electronic Poetry) dedicated to the study and practice of poetry in the context of digital technologies.
As an artist, he works with the independent art laboratory, Agence5970 on interactive audiovisual installations.
Now in Nice, France, Frank is teaching at Université Côte d’Azur and focusing on 3D audio and the temporal dimensions of UX design.

Journal Articles:
Artists' Articles

DreamArchitectonics: An Interactive Audiovisual Installation

April 2018