John Trujillo
John Trujillo is interested in puzzles. He has explored dark corners of the mammalian brain to illuminate its overall function, designed buildings around site-specific limitations to address often conflicting needs, burnished academic manuscripts to draw out the luster of authors' aspirations, and spent many an evening listening to whodunnits as he pieced together jigsaw scenes from literary worlds. Across his ten years of working in research, editing, and design, John has found that the missing piece to solving most problems hides in the elusive in-betweens: the interstitial residues left by the modern categorization of the world around us. His conviction that the multi-disciplinary work of researchers and artists will provide essential tools to tackling problems local and global, known and unforeseen, drives John to help them refine the presentation of their work and bridge the gap between their discoveries and the audience that awaits them.
John received his Bachelor of Science degree in Neurobiology from the University of Florida. After spending the following five years in medical research and editing, he shifted to working in design. He later earned his Master of Architecture degree from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation and has since worked for architecture and academic publications.