| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Aiyesha Ghani

Graduate Research Associateat University of Oklahoma
Aiyesha M Ghani
United States
Focus area: Climate, Atmospheric Science

Diving into the depths of their own intersectionality, Aiyesha's interdisciplinary arts and research practice addresses current themes in emerging climates, and provides a glimpse into the ancient roots of contemporary global indigeneity, alternative futurities, and the ethics of care embedded within transoceanic ontologies and archipelagic epistemologies. Spanning a wide breadth of medium from 2D/3D, movement & performance, to experimental audiovisual and data visualization, Aiyesha's place-based work seeks to elevate the perspective of their audiences beyond the conventional scopes, scales, and notions of time, space, order, and chaos.
A live sound/video engineer and show/staging technician by trade, Aiyesha takes after thier grandfather -- a LV electrical & RF engineer who served in the United States Armed Forces during the Korean War. Currently, they are in the final stages of completing a Master's of Science in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies with a focus on interdisciplinary geosciences at the University of Oklahoma.

Journal Articles:
Leonardo Gallery

Leonardo@Djerassi 2023: Gallery

June 2024