| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Krista DeNio

Artistic Directorat KD MovingGround
Photo by Hillary Goidell
United States
Focus area: Dance, Choreography


Krista DeNio is an interdisciplinary choreographer, director, performer, writer and educator. She facilitates creative projects based in the principles and practices of ensemble-based theater. Her work integrates embodied experience, civic engagement and human-to-human interaction. Artistic Director of KD>>MovingGround, she is committed to engaging interdisciplinary collaboration that bridges performance work, education and activism navigating the impacts of injustice and crises we humans have created and face. With her collaborators, she builds site-specific, audience-interactive performance experiences, where performers, audience participants and community partners engage the storytelling from various perspectives and choice-making. Each experience is accompanied by forums for interaction and dialogue; opportunities for connection and action. www.movingground.org 

Journal Articles:
Leonardo Gallery

Leonardo@Djerassi 2022: Gallery

June 2023