| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

JIll Scott

Dr Professorat ZHdK
Focus area: Body, Self

BIOGRAPHY: Dr. Jill Scott is a media artist and an art and science writer and researcher. Currently, she co-directs the LASER Salon in Zurich for Leonardo Society USA. She is professor emerita at the Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts, at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZhdK) in Zürich and founded their Artists-in-Labs Program in 2000.  Her own artwork spans 42 years of production about the human body, behavior and body politics, but in the last 18 years she has focused on creative media art experiments about neuroscience, ecology and sensory perception in collaboration with four departments at the University of Zurich. Her most recent artworks were about visual impairment and the evolution of vision. She has also published six books on art and science research including Artists-in-labs: Recomposing Art and Science (eds:Hediger, Scott 2016) and Transdiscourse 2 Turbulence and Reconstruction (ed:Scott 2015) both with de Gruyter press.

Journal Articles:

Abstracts from the Spectra 2018 Symposium Part 1: Keynote and Materiality

August 2021
Articles and Notes

The Electric Retina: An Interplay of Media Art and Neuroscience

June 2010
Leonardo Gallery

Gallery Artists

October 2014

The Death and Lives of hitchBOT: The Design and Implementation of a Hitchhiking Robot

February 2017