| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Nora S. Vaage

at Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Nora S. Vaage is a philosopher of art and technology with a background in art history, philosophy of technology and science, aesthetics, and science and technology studies. From this interdisciplinary perspective she writes and teaches on a number of topics at the intersection between art, society, and technology, with a focus on care, environments, and relationalities. Her publications include topics such as ethical challenges of using biotechnologies for artistic purposes, representations of science in art and what it means to produce knowledge within the arts. Her PhD in philosophy of science and ethics focused on the boundaries (ethical and disciplinary) of bioart. Its abstract was rated top abstract of 2017 by the Leonardo Abstracts Service.  


Nora works as associate professor of media studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, holds an associate professorship in art and media studies at Nord University, and is lead researcher at NOBA: Norwegian Bioart Arena. She is currently principal investigator of the work package Experiential Soils within the six-year research project Anthropogenic Soils: Recuperating Human-Soil Relationships on a Troubled Planet (2022-28).

Journal Articles:
Special Section: Leonardo Abstracts Service

Top-Rated LABS Abstracts 2017

October 2018