Steph Kudisch

Steph Kudisch is a trans genderfluid artist who coaxes viewers to become participants, questioning assumptions and implicit bias about disability and queerness. They use mutability to reveal the worlds of indeterminacy that we dwell in. In much of their work they reinterpret Jewish ritual in the queer tradition of reimagining possibility. Kudisch was born with unilateral microtia and aural atresia, and is profoundly deaf in their undeveloped left ear. In recent sound sculptures they explore the complex implications and impacts of “deformity”.
Kudisch works as a teaching artist and art preparator on Ohlone land, in the place that is also known as San Francisco. Focusing in screenprint, analog + digital sound, and ceramics, Kudisch received their MFA as well as the Isaac M. Walter Sculpture Prize from the San Francisco Art Institute in 2018.