| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Ann Elias

Professor of art history and visual cultureat The University of Sydney
Ann Elias
Focus area: Visual Culture, Visual Studies

Ann Elias is Professor Emeritus at the University of Sydney, Australia. Recent work in the field of visual culture addresses underwater optics and subaquatic animals. Books include the history of camouflage in art, science and war, the cultural history of flowers, and early twentieth century underwater photography at the Great Barrier Reef of Australia and the Bahamas. Current research investigates an underwater history of Sydney Harbour with a special focus on the history of deep sea divers.

Journal Articles:
Historical Perspective

Freak Pictures, Fly Fishers, and Optical Illusions: Historical Antecedents of the Science of Fish Vision

August 2024
General Articles

Campaigners for Camouflage: Abbott H. Thayer and William J. Dakin

February 2009