Grace Leslie
Assistant Professorat Georgia Institute of TechnologyGrace Leslie is a flutist, electronic musician, and scientist. She develops brain-music interfaces and other physiological sensor systems that reveal aspects of her internal cognitive and affective state, those left unexpressed by sound or gesture, to an audience. Grace is a professor of music technology at Georgia Tech, where she researches the link between cortical and physiological arousal, and develops new music interfaces that modulate this link to bring well-being. Grace completed a Ph.D. in Music and Cognitive Science at UCSD, where she studied the expressive movements and brain dynamics supporting music engagement at the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience. During her Ph.D. studies she completed a yearlong research position at Ircam in Paris, where she collaborated on an interactive sound installation and performed experiments studying the effect of active involvement on music listening. She completed her undergraduate and Masters work in Music, Science, and Technology at CCRMA, Stanford University.