| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Martin Groisman

Doctor in Designat Facultad de Arquitectura,Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires,
Focus area: AI (Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Fakes), Architecture, Design, Performance Art, Theater Studies, Sociology, Telepresence, Video, Film, Writing, Literature, Poetry

Doctor in Design from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina with a Professional degree in Psychology. He is a Media producer, professor and researcher in interactive media with a Chair Professorship in the School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism (FADU-UBA) . Dr Groisman Directs the Master in Interactive Design (FADU-UBA), Co-directs the International Seminar on Hypertext Narratives (NH/T), is a member of the Executive Council of the Latin American Course in Transmedia Narratives (ICLA-UNR) and Simposio Internacional de Inovacion en Medias Interactivas(SIIMI)