Guy Keulemans
Lecturerat UNSW Art & Design
Guy Keulemans is a multidisciplinary designer, artist and researcher. In his studio practise he produces critical objects informed by history, philosophy and experimental methodology. Major themes are repair, generative processes, and the environmental impacts of production and consumption.
Guy has a Masters in Humanitarian Design from the Design Academy Eindhoven and a PhD from the University of New South Wales’ Art & Design, where he also lectures. He has exhibited in museums and galleries in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Poland, including ARS Electronica, the Marres Centre for Contemporary Culture, COCA Torun and Platform 21, and in Australia, the National Gallery of Victoria, Australian Design Centre and Craft Victoria. In 2015 Guy was resident artist at JamFactory Contemporary Craft & Design Centre in Adelaide.
With collaborator Kyoko Hashimoto, Guy has the works Terra Rings (2017), One White Cube (2017) and Ritual Objects for the Time of Fossil Capital (2018) in the permanent collection of the National Gallery of Victoria.