| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Diego Bernini

Journal Articles:
General Articles

Biomorphic Protein Art: The Ensemble of Aesthetic Intuition and Scientific Intelligence in Protein Structures

April 2021
Leonardo Transactions

3D Architectural Projection, Light Wall

April 2011
Leonardo Transactions

Spectacle of the Masses: Characteristics of the Masses in MIOON's Works

June 2011
Leonardo Transactions

Contingent Rule: Information Aesthetic, Performance and Hypermediacy

June 2011
Leonardo Transactions

A Grin without a Cat: The Faciality of Electronic Art

June 2011

Digital Mandala: The Post-Virtual as Meditation of Impermanence or a New Reality

October 2013
Special Section of Leonardo Transactions: Balance-Unbalance

Anastatica Sensibile - Grounding Interactivity on a Natural Process

October 2014
General Articles

Concretization, Associated Milieus and Aestheticization of Objects in Bio-Art

April 2020

Interactive Art: The Art That Communicates

April 2009

Performative Art: The Politics of Doubleness

June 2009