Allen Strange

Involved with music technology since the middle 1960s, Allen Strange has remained active as a composer, performer, author and educator. In 1972 his text, Electronic Music: Systems, Techniques and Controls appeared as the first comprehensive work on analog music synthesis. A student of Pauline Oliveros and Harry Partch, Strange has worked in a variety media ranging from purely electronic works, music for live-electronic performance, multi-media, chamber, orchestral, choral and opera to music for the films and theater. He co- founded two electronic music ensembles: BIOME, a pioneering live-electronic music ensemble with Frank McCarty in 1969 and The Electric Weasel Ensemble with synthesizer designer Donald Buchla in 1976. Allen Strange has been Visiting Scholar at the Computer Center for Research in Music Acoustics (CCRMA) at Stanford University and guest composer at California Institute for the Arts, the Hochschüller für Musik, Stuttgart, Germany, the Tempo Reale studios, Florence, Italy and the Labortorio Informatica in Guanajuato, Mexico. Strange's music has been recorded and performed in Europe, Canada, South Africa, South America, Korea, China, Japan and throughout the United States. Professor Emeritus from San Jose State University, Strange founded the electro-acoustic music program and has served as coordinator of both the Composition and Electro-Acoustic Music Programs. His academic honors include the SJSU 1989 Presidential Scholar Award, Performance and Service awards for Exceptional Professional Attainment and Exemplary Service, a 1996 Special Presidential Recognition Award and a 2000 Institute of Teaching and Leaning Fellowship. With his wife he has co-written The Contemporary Violin: Extended Performance Techniques (Scarecrow Press, 2001). Strange now lives on Bainbridge Island in Washington’s Puget Sound working as an independent composer. Other biographical information may be found in recent editions of Groves Encyclopedia of American Composers and the Harvard Encyclopedia of Music.