Teoman Madra

Teoman Madra records over 40 years of art and technology experience. Recent activity includes: 2002-2008 Produced digital copies of many archive photos and produced multimedia content and visuals being intermixed with new music selections. Many multi media performances at different cultural centers. Uploaded several multi media -nmk- video clips to www.youtube.com/tmadra and www.vimeo.com/teomanmadra: In 2007-08 uploaded photos to http://flickr.com/teomanmadra. Since 1998 he has added posts to http://newmediakitchen.com, www.myspace.com/studioquantum, and other blogger and blogspot.com spaces intermittently, including http://anatolia2010gi.blogspot.com, http://nmksoundart.blogspot.com and recently http://spq2.blogspot.com. Being a yasminer for many years (yasmin@estia.media.uoa.gr), he received an invitation to participate to ongoing activities of http://triangleproject.com. In 2002 in karaköy Liman Lokantasi -SAFRAN-a behind the bar light box from six compositions got realized within the restoration project of his daughter Tulya Madra (2002) "solarintermedia2002" geothe institue teutonia tunel istanbul solar2002intermedia http://www.newmediakitchen.com -0nline actively promoted-2001 December online participant in a workshop entitled solarcircuit 2002 2 urls partly photographed and being webdesigned by nmk -teoman madra- http://www.btmadra.com, http://www.gaarchitects.org under construction solar2002 multimedia show, 2002- at istanbul goethe institute with live and recorded bacground music + modern dance + live photography workshop 4 weeks of nonstop video art shows (2002) at cafeKV tunel geçidi 142 beyoglu istanbul (2001).