Leonardo Abstracts Service | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Leonardo Abstracts Service

  • 3563
    Shapurjee, Shanaz "A historical enquiry into the animation unit, situated within the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) 1976-1988." MA , University of the Witwatersrand, 2009
    Keywords/Fields of Study : animation; television; apartheid; broadcasting; south africa; empirical; history

    Abstract: This historical enquiry exhibits the chronology, growth and development of the South
    African Broadcasting Corporation's (SABC) Animation Unit (1975-88), largely
    through the understanding of the Unit's production context as well as through a
    contextual analysis of the socio-political, economic and technological landscapes of
    the decades preceding the launch of television in South Africa. This report traces the
    history of animation through the pre-cinematic, cinematic and televisual eras, both
    locally and internationally, in an attempt to expose the many influences, overlapping
    animation traditions and parallel technological histories evident between Europe,
    America and South Africa. This empirical study is concerned with the preservation of
    the history of the South African Animation Unit through the combined use of archival
    materials, interview subjects and pre-existing historical data.

    Department: Animation , University of the Witwatersrand
    Advisor(s): Christo Doherty, Maureen Furniss