Leonardo Abstracts Service | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Leonardo Abstracts Service

  • 4196
    wolfe, Rachel "Afjordance." MFA , Independently created, 2019
    Keywords/Fields of Study : affordance, technology, vision, imaging, remote viewing, embodied cognition, algorithm, music, sound

    Abstract: AFJORDANCE, 2019, single channel video, soundtrack composed by the digital armature joint movements referencing an open source audio library of wind. The video looks at the new complexities emerging in Artificial Intelligence, the ways humans create mirrored structures, and affordances in the notions of Intelligence itself. Exhibited in California, Norway, and Italy. February 2020, Corwin Pavilion, University of California Santa Barbara for AWMAS Conference. March 2020, Arteriet, Kvinnekroppen Utstillingen, Kristiansand, Norway. October-November 2020, LoosenArt at Millepiani, Rome, Italy.

    Department: , Independently created