| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Rob Jackson

Douglas Provostial Professor of Environment and Energyat Stanford University
United States
Focus area: Photography

Rob Jackson, a Guggenheim and American Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellow, is one of the top-five most-cited climate and environmental scientists in the world. His photographs have appeared in many outlets, including the NY Times, Washington Post, USA Today, US News and World Report, Science, Nature, and National Geographic News. He has published a trade book about the environment (The Earth Remains Forever, University of Texas Press), two books of children’s poems, Animal Mischief and Weekend Mischief (Highlights Magazine and Boyds Mills Press), and poems in the journals Southwest Review, Cortland Review, Cold Mountain Review, Atlanta Review, LitHub, and many more. His new book, Into the Clear Blue Sky (Scribner/Penguin Random House) launches July 30, 2024.