| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Everado Reyes

Associate Professorat Université Paris 8 - Vincennes-Saint-Denis
Focus area: Net Art, , Computer Science, Engineering, Cultural Practices, Social Practice, Generative Practices, Generative Art

Everardo Reyes is Associate Professor in the Information Sciences Dept. at the Université Paris 8. He is member of the Paragraphe Lab, collaborator of the Cultural Analytics Lab and board member of the International Association for Visual Semiotics. His research investigates relationships between humanities, the arts, and computer sciences, particularly in visual form. He has organized congresses and curated exhibitions related to media art including the work of Roy Ascott, Jack Stenner, Shulea Cheang, Paul Magee, Christa Sommerer, Malu Fragoso, Pierre Boulanger, Arcángel Constantini, and a panel commemorating the 40th anniversary of Leonardo/ISAST. More recently, he has been appointed Art Papers Chair for ACM SIGGRAPH 2019.

Journal Articles:
Art Papers

Introducing the SIGGRAPH 2019 Art Papers

July 2019
Art Papers

Cultural Viz: An Aesthetic Approach to Cultural Analytics

August 2020