LASER Talks at Roy Ascott Studio | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

LASER Talks at Roy Ascott Studio

The TAO of TAI II  Technoetic Aesthetics of Artificial Intelligence II


LASER Talks at Roy Ascott Studio

The TAO of TAI II 

Technoetic Aesthetics of Artificial Intelligence II

Chaired by: Clarissa Ribeiro, Ph.D., Program Director of the Roy Ascott Studio Advance Program in Technoetic Arts in Shanghai, China. 

December 26th, 2023, 7 p.m. Shanghai time (Hybrid)

ONLINE on Zoom
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主题: Laser Talk at Roy Ascott Studio
时间: 20231226 07:00 下午 北京,上海
加入 Zoom 会议
会议号: 536 073 9000

From July 2023 to February 2024, LASER talks at Roy Ascott Studio in Shanghai, are inviting artists, scientists, humanists, and technologists together for informal gatherings to explore Roy’s 100 Terms and Definitions for the Post-biological Era coined in his ‘Technoetic Aesthetics’ written in 1997. For the December 26th edition, online on Zoom, the invited speakers will discuss the Technoetic Aesthetics of Artificial Intelligence in a moment AI is on the way to surpassing Google algorithms in search engine technology and, as claimed by The New York Times Hard Fork podcast hosts, AI-generated content is ‘eating the Internet’. 

Invited Speakers:

Dr Josh Harle is a multidisciplinary researcher and media artist with a background in computer science, philosophy, and fine arts. His practice investigates diverse ‘sense-making’, technology as a cultural practice, and the expressive potential of subverting digital capture tools. Harle has exhibited internationally, including at the 2014 Vienna Art Week, Organhaus Art Centre, Chongqing, and Today Art Museum, Beijing, and locally for solo and group shows at Firstdraft, the International Symposium on Electronic Art, AGNSW’s Contempo program, and Brisbane Powerhouse’s ‘IRL: Digital Festival’. He has written for the Journal of Artistic Research, Runway Journal for Australian Experimental Art, Critical Animalia, and Das Superpaper and presented at the National Experimental Art Forum, Perth, Transmediale, Berlin, the National Institute of Experimental Art Conference, and Spaces of History / Histories of Space conference UC Berkeley and is currently editing “Decolonising the Digital”, a book of essays exploring “technology as a cultural practice” and critiquing the monocultural, effectively colonial nature of consumer technology. He is a 2021 City of Sydney Creative Fellow with a project collaborating with Jason Phu.

Personal website:
Project website:

Zhu Aihua (Clare Zhu) is a researcher in the field of digital media and AI art, she is the Director of the Art and Technology, School of New Media Art, SIVA Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts, and Vice President and Associate Professor of Yuanverse Art Academy. Head of AI Digital Art Design major at SIVA and head of AIGC laboratory, she participated in the construction of the "Smart Media Production and Broadcasting Application Laboratory", a key laboratory of the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television, and completed the construction of related projects that combined Artificial Intelligence and digital media for content production. She has participated as a core member in more than ten enterprise development projects comprising intelligent practice of content services, large-scale content management systems, and online interactive graphic and text packaging clusters.
Institutional Website:

Aven Le Zhou is an artist scholar who works with Interactive Media and Algorithmic Agents e.g., genetic algorithms, emergence systems, and Artificial Intelligence. His practical research interests spread in various emerging media formats. Since 2018, he has focused on utilizing generative deep learning to effectuate human-AI collaborative creativity. Aven created the first Artificial Intelligence Arts course at NYU Shanghai in 2019 as an Instructor and Resident Research Fellow (2014-2020) in the Interactive Media Arts program. He joined Xi’an JiaoTong-Liverpool University as an Assistant Professor and Director of the Interactive Experiences Lab in 2020, where he conjunctively combines the concepts from interactive art and generative art with a focus on oriental culture innovation with emerging AI technologies. He is now a PhD Researcher in Computational Media and Arts at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), a Fellow at the Royal Society of Arts, and an Affiliated Fellow at the Chartered Society of Designers. With a practice-based research approach, Aven has published more than ten papers and demos with art + technology relevant topics at different top-tier conferences and journals, such as ISEA, ARTECH, Leonardo, NeurIPS, ICCV, HCII, ICDAR, etc.

Xuan Yang (Nolan Xuan) is an educator and media artist currently based in Guangzhou and Hong Kong. He was a lecturer at the SIVA Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts teaching courses in creative technology and art theory and contributing as final thesis advisor. As an artist, his practice includes AI-generated video and digital photography. Through interdisciplinary research in artificial intelligence and digital humanities, his visual art explores the connections between emerging computational technologies and collective or individual memory. His work has been exhibited in museums and galleries in New York, Zurich, Spain, Italy, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and other countries and regions. His AI art has been exhibited and presented at ISEA 2022 and xCoAx, among other international digital art conferences.


Roy Ascott Studio
Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts
DeTAO Masters Academy

About the host organization:
The Roy Ascott Studio Technoetic Arts advanced art course is based on a research-creation paradigm, involving the student in both theoretical and practical work, through the convergent field of art, technology, and consciousness studies. Over the four years of the course, students are immersed in a dynamic framework of understanding, knowing, creating, and exposing that evolves and manifests through all aspects of artistic expression and applications of science and technology.

December 26th, 2023 from  7:00 PM to  8:30 PM
Roy Ascott Studio at SIVA / DeTAO, 2200 Wenxiang Road
Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts
DeTAO Building
Shanghai, 31 201620