Kick-off!! Começar!!! Radio/Tv Leonardo
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"50 Aniversario Leonardo Journal" / "50th Anniversary Leonardo Journal"
- Registro participantes / Registration participants // Inscrição participantes:
- Relojes / Watches:
- Duración / Length / Duração: 1 hr
- 3 canales / 3 channels / 3 canais: Spanish, English, Portuguese
- Temas / Topics / Temas: ¿Qué es Leonardo? / What's Leonardo?
¿Cómo funciona la creación entre Artes, Ciencias y Tecnologìas? / How does the creation between Arts, Sciences and Technologies works?
Presenting -
* Danielle Siembieda, Managing Director, Leonardo/ISAST (U.S.A.)-
* Pier Luigi Capucci, Cultural Historian and Curator with NOEMA Lab (Italy)
*Dra. Luz María Sánchez Cardona Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Lerma
Solís Theatre
MO 11000