The Poetics of Being-in-the-world | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

The Poetics of Being-in-the-world

LASER Talks at Roy Ascott Studio: The Poetics of Being-in-the-world

Inviting to explore together humans' consciousness as a force of nature that severely affects the Earth system in all scales, profoundly transforming nature, the LASER talks Fortaleza at Roy Ascott on May 28th, 2024, online navigates alternatives in the convergence of art and science from the perspectives of Dr. Walmeri Ribeiro, Dr. Fabiola Fonseca and Dr. Juliana Fausto, to help redefine the relationship between humans and nature concerning alternative forms of being-in-the-world and the aesthetical and poetic implications of it. The featured participants are invited to dialogue with the term “Bio-myths” from Roy Ascott’s 1996-1997 "TECHNOETIC AESTHETICS: 100 Terms and Definitions for the Post-biological Era” which invites us to meditate on the fact that “We are still bound up with the search for myths” even though “The context now is biological and behavioural— zooming through the micro/macro levels.”(Roy Ascott, 1997). In the promo poster, designed by Clarissa Ribeiro, the kun trigram symbolizes Earth, and the social roles played by humans, referring to gentle and generous ways of conducting things — nourishing all things through generative means.

ChairedModerated by: 

Clarissa Ribeiro, Ph.D.

Program Director of the Roy Ascott Studio Advanced Program in Technoetic Arts in Shanghai

University of Fortaleza representative in China

Rejane Spitz

Honorary Professor at the Department of Art & Design at Rio de Janeiro Catholic University (Brazil), where she coordinates the Electronic Arts Unit.


May 28th, 2024 — 21:30 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) / May 29 8:30 (next day, Shanghai, China-(+11 hours of time difference)

Access Info: Zoom link:

Speakers Bios + websites (max 200 words per bio)

Walmeri Ribeiro is an artist-researcher and a professor at the Federal Fluminense University, where she coordinates the Research Laboratory in Performance, Media Art, and Environmental Issues, the BrisaLAB. From 2010 to 2016, she was a professor in the Film and Audiovisual program at the Federal University of Ceará. With a postdoctoral degree from Concordia University (2017), she is a research fellow of FAPERJ and also teaches in the Postgraduate Programs in Arts at PPGCA|UFF and PPGAV|EBA|UFRJ. Trained in Cinema and Performance Studies, since 2014 her work has investigated the relationships between arts and sciences, focusing on issues of the Anthropocene. As the creator and coordinator of the Sensitive Territories platform, she participates in exhibitions in Brazil, Latin America, Europe, and the United States, with her works commissioned by Brazilian and foreign institutions. She is the author of the book "Poetics of the Actor in Contemporary Cinema" (Intermeios, 2014), "Sensitive Territories: Artistic Practices in the Anthropocene" (Circuito, 2023), "Sensitive Territories | Guanabara Bay" (Circuito, 2020), and co-author of the books "Art and its Sensitive Territories" (Intermeios, 2014), "Art and its Sensitive Paths" (Intermeios, 2016), and "Arts: New Ways of Inhabiting|Living" (Intermeios, 2019).

Fabíola Fonseca is a biologist with a master's degree from UFG and a PhD in Education from UFU with a period abroad as a visiting researcher at Harvard. She completed postdoctoral studies in arts at UFC and in education for sustainability at Unicamp, researching the relationship between science and art and delving into artistic and philosophical propositions with scientific knowledge, particularly regarding academic productions on climate change. She coordinates the Instagram profile called Liquen (@liquenprojeto), where she produces content and promotes courses in this interface and works as a project consultant; she specializes in scientific development at the Museum of Tomorrow, enjoys photographing raindrops on the window, observing the shadows of the full moon creating landscapes in the sea, and believes that all living beings carry within them something magical that can never be explained.

Juliana Fausto, "a multicellular, eukaryotic, bilaterally symmetrical, a fish, in short," is a philosopher. She holds a degree in philosophy from UFRJ (2001), a master's degree in literature from PUC-Rio (2012), and a PhD in philosophy from PUC-Rio (2017). She conducted postdoctoral research in philosophy at the Graduate Program in Philosophy at UFPR between 2017 and 2022 with a PNPD/CAPES scholarship. She is the author of "The Cosmopolitics of Animals" (n-1 editions, 2020). She has translated books such as "When Species Meet" by Donna Haraway (Ubu Editora, 2022) and "No Time to Spare" by Ursula K. Le Guin (Goya, 2023). She directed, with Darks Miranda, the short film "The Cosmopolitics of Animals" (2020). In recent years, she has been involved in projects in collaboration with artists such as Daniel Steegmann-Mangrané, Maya Da-Rin, Darks Miranda, and Ana Vaz, among others, in different interfaces. She writes and works in the presence of extra-humans with questions that intertwine art, animal studies, ecofeminisms, queer ecologies, and the socio-environmental catastrophe known as the Anthropocene.


The Roy Ascott Studio Technoetic Arts advanced art course is based on a research-creation paradigm, involving the student in both theoretical and practical work, through the convergent field of art, technology, and consciousness studies. Over the four years of the course, students are immersed in a dynamic framework of understanding, knowing, creating, and exposing that evolves and manifests through all aspects of artistic expression and applications of science and technology.

UNIFOR University of Fortaleza

May 29th, 2024 from  8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Phone: +5585998646100