Dates: 12-14 October, Tel Aviv
Festival website:
LASER Hosts from Tel Aviv are the steering team and curators of the festival: Tal Yizrael, Sharona Florsheim, Dr. Debora (Didi) Marchak and Prof. Tomer Volansky
The second edition of the TRANSMEET Art and Science Festival will take place in the spectacular spaces of the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History in Tel Aviv and this time, to our delight, in a face-to-face format. We are looking forward and excited to meet you: the general public, the artists and the scientists for a celebration of inspiration, curiosity and discoveries.
This year the festival will span three days in which you are invited to experience fascinating products of collaborations between artists and scientists, talk with them, watch performances, attend lectures’ sessions from the frontier of science and participate in workshops. The rich program includes four premieres in music and dance, three of which were created in the greenhouse of the Feter Museum of Art and Nanoscience at Bar Ilan University especially for the festival, and will feature collaborations with leading researchers in the fields of biology, chemistry and neuro-engineering. Another premiere for a musical piece was created in collaboration with the interdisciplinary Hzira Theatre in Jerusalem. The three sessions of thought-provoking lectures will serve as a platform to get to know the work of leading scientists and educators in the fields of brain research, chaos and uncertainty, and multidisciplinary education. Victoria Vesna from the USA and Daniel Glaser from England will share their rich and vast experience in interdisciplinary research, creation and entrepreneurship. Gil Markovitz from Israel will moderate an open discussion session on science and art. And for artists and scientists who wish to meet colleagues that combine art and science, there will be a meetup moderated by Daniel Glaser. All these and a variety of other events, also for children and the whole family, appear in the full program of the festival.
Transmeet invites you to meet leading scientists, artists and curators from Israel and the world, who work together to realize the fascinating potential inherent in the connection between science and art; hear about creativity in different fields of knowledge and the challenges in creating a common language and new knowledge. Be part of the conversation and learn about surprising collaborations that connect knowledge, inspiration and resources and work towards a more responsible, collaborative and creative tomorrow.
For full program please visit the festival website here