Seize the Moment Impact Report | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Seize the Moment Impact Report

By leoisastuserone

Seize the Moment (STM), a dynamic collaboration between Leonardo-ASU, the Humanities Lab, and the Global Futures Laboratory, has successfully concluded its two-year journey with remarkable achievements. Throughout this transformative period, the collective efforts of Seize the Moment inspired and propelled innovative experiments in learning, interdisciplinary research, and public engagement, all aimed at tackling the most pressing challenges of our time.

Spanning across 17 Seize the Moment themed Humanities Labs, the program left a lasting impact on 545 students, nurturing their collaborative and problem-solving skills, and fostering deeper engagement with critical social and environmental issues. Through the STM Amplifier Mini Grant program, 19 student-led community events were supported, showcasing the true potential of interdisciplinary collaboration and the power of public engagement in driving meaningful change.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to making this partnership possible, with special recognition to the Program Coordinator and valued Leonardo team member, Briana Noonan, for their exceptional dedication and efforts throughout the journey.