Preparing for Leonardo@Djerassi | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Preparing for Leonardo@Djerassi

I'm sitting in the Bowes Art Library at Stanford University, between my two scheduled office hours for my course Science, Technology, Art on scientific approaches to the study of fine art paintings and drawings.  My students are a bit anxious as they have another homework, their final project papers, and the final coming up in quick succession.  Nevertheless, they seem to be learning a great deal.

Of course I'm eager for the Leonardo@Djerassi program to begin, particularly after our session was postponed for more than a year, due in large part to COVID.

I'm clarifying which of my several projects will best profit from my time at Djerassi and collecting books and such so my time there is most productive.  I find from my editor that I should be getting page proofs for my forthcoming book Pixels & painting:  Foundations of computer-assisted connoisseurship (Wiley) while at Djerassi, and I can hardly imagine a more sublime location, and set of like-minded scientists and artists, for pouring over every figure, sentence, word, and comma.

I can hardly wait!

Field of Study: 
