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Prometheus-2000: On the destiny of Light-Music at the threshold of new century

International Conference, 2-6 October 2000, Institute "Prometheus", Kazan, Russia.

Reviewed by V.Basov, Kazan, Russia.

The Ancient myth on Prometheus had been supplemented at the beginning of XX century with one more myth on Scriabin's "Prometheus". For the first time in the world music practice the score of this symphonic poem included "light line" (the "Luce" line). What is the meaning of note symbols in this line? How does this light part is to be performed? Is authentic performance of "Luce" possible (and necessary)? These questions remain to be topical today. The International Conference "Prometheus-2000", held in Kazan on October 2000, was devoted mainly to the appraisal of Scriabin's ideas on the threshold of new century. It was organized by Experimenta Aesthetics Institute (which is bearing the same name "Prometheus"). A number of lectures concerned Scriabin's thematics and were accompanied with video demonstrations of well known "Prometheus" performances of the last years, in Moscow, St.Petersburg, Amsterdam, Milan, Genue, Brussels and other cities. Beside this, the organizers presented living audiovisual performance under the title "Prometheus: Scriabin + Kandinsky". Of course, the agenda of five-days conference was wider than "Prometheus" only. As a matter of fact, Scriabin's ideas of 'Gesamtkunstwerk" went far beyond that. And the area of interests of Institute "Prometheus" also is extended to new modern realms, where side by side with light- and electronic music there exist more exotic genres of experimental art - spatial music, abstract cinema, holography, multimedia, laseriums, computer animation, interactive art. All this variety of a new art forms was presented at the conference, in accordance with Scriabin's aesthetic program, which he planned to embody in his "Mystery" play. One day was fully devoted to discussion on "color hearing" and synesthesia. As a whole, more then 60 papers were presented by the participants from Kazan, Moscow, St.Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Saratov, and by foreign partcipants from Germany, USA, France, Hungary. The theoretical lectures were supplemented with demonstration programs "Classics of light-music", "Light-music performances in the open air", "Computer light-music". The hosts and guests of the conference showed concerts for the broad audience - light-music performance "Alleluia" by S.Gubaidullina, as well as electronic and concrete music events. Also there were shown the orginal audiovisual computer performances in a genre of stage multimedia.

The conference book includes, in a Supplement, the complete bibliography of light-music Russian works since the year 1742, and the Contents (titles) of all lectures presented at more then ten previous all-Union, all-Russian and Internatioal symposia and seminars on light-music, held in Kazan during the last 35 years.

Some of the Conference materials are available at the web site of "Prometheus" Institute (http://prometheus.kai.ru).


Updated 7 September 2001.

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