| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Yoon Chung Han

Assistant Professor
United States
Focus area: Sound, Acoustics, , Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Design

Yoon C Han is an interaction designer, multimedia artist, and researcher based in the SF bay area. Her researches include data visualization, biometric data visualization and sonification, new interface for musical expression, and mobile user experience design. Her works have been presented in solo and numerous international group shows including SIGGRAPH, Japan media arts festival, IEEE VIS, CHI, ISEA, NIME, London Science Museum, ZKM where she has received multiple awards and grants. In addition, she served on the SIGGRAPH organizing committees as a jury member and was on the IEEE VIS program committees as an co exhibition-chair. She studied Graphic Design and Interaction Design at Seoul National University and achieved two Master degrees at SNU and Design | Media Arts in UCLA. She worked at Samsung Electronics, Experimental Visualization Lab in UCSB and SENSEable City Lab in MIT as a Visiting Researcher. She taught interaction design and computer programming at the Academy of Art University, the University of San Francisco and California State University, Fullerton. She holds Ph.D. at the Media Arts and Technology, UC Santa Barbara, and currently an assistant professor in the department of design, San Jose State University.

Journal Articles:
Leonardo Gallery

Highlights from the IEEE VIS 2016 and 2017 Arts Program

February 2020
Art Gallery

Proliferating Possibilities: Speculative Futures in Art and Design Art Gallery

July 2019
Leonardo Gallery

IEEE VIS 2016 and 2017 Arts Program Gallery

February 2020
XYZN: Scale

Digiti Sonus

August 2013
Articles and Notes

Skin Pattern Sonification as a New Timbral Expression

December 2014