Leonardo | Page 424 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


14 September 2014 to 31 December 2022
Organized by: 
Leonardo Journal

Editorial Advisors
Patrick McCray, Charissa Terranova, Eddie Shanken, David Carrier, Annick Bureaud and Roger Malina.

Editorial Assistant
Poe Johnson

In anticipation of Leonardo’s 50th anniversary, we are seeking papers dealing with the history of developments in the arts, sciences and technology. The aim of the project is to establish reliable, selected, online documentation about twentieth-century artists, scholars and institution builders whose works and ideas are considered seminal in the development of technological art. Since its founding in 1966, and the publication of the first issue in January 1968, Leonardo has accompanied and championed the work of the pioneers who were just beginning to use computers and other emerging technologies for artistic purposes.

We are interested in topics including the following:

  • Memoirs by pioneer artists using new media (holography, computer and electronic arts, telecommunication arts, interactive arts, new materials, space arts, bio art, etc.). Texts must be written by the artist, in English, and cover an extended body of work. Length may be up to 2,500 words, 8 illustrations. Preference will be given to artists describing early work carried out prior to 1980.
  • Memoirs of engineers and developers who collaborated with artists or whose engineering or computer science work in the 1960s, 1970s and/or 1980s proved to be important for developing the new art forms based on new and emerging technologies.
  • Memoirs by curators who organized art-and-technology exhibitions in the 1960s, 1970s and/or 1980s
  • Memoirs by pioneering collectors who were early supporters of technological artists.
  • Memoirs by pioneering institution founders of organizations, university programs or centers pre-1984.

Readers of Leonardo are asked to encourage their colleagues to submit such memoirs, which will be invaluable primary documents for historians and scholars in the future.

Proposals and Inquiries
Interested authors may submit manuscript proposals or inquiries to Leonardo.

Manuscript Submissions
For detailed instructions for manuscript and art preparation, visit Information for Journal Authors.

To submit a completed manuscript, upload at Editorial Express.

21 February 2012 to 28 February 2024
Organized by: 
Leonardo Journal

Guest editor: Robert Root-Bernstein

What is the value of artistic practices, techniques, inventions, aesthetics and knowledge for the working scientist? What is the value of scientific practices, techniques, inventions, aesthetics and knowledge for the artist? When does art become science and science, art? Or are these categories useless at their boundaries and intersections?

Can an individual excel at both science and art, or is even a passing familiarity with one sufficient to influence significantly the other? Do the arts ever contribute significantly to scientific progress? Where will current scientific innovations lead the arts in the next few decades?

Leonardo publishes an ongoing special section devoted to exploring these questions. Submissions can be from artistic scientists who find their art avocation valuable; from scientist-artist collaborators who can demonstrate a scientific or artistic innovation; from scientifically literate artists who draw problems, materials, techniques or processes from the sciences; or from historians of art or science looking at past examples of such interactions.

Proposals and Inquiries
Interested authors may submit manuscript proposals or inquiries to Leonardo.

Manuscript Submissions
For detailed instructions for manuscript and art preparation, visit Information for Journal Authors.

To submit a completed manuscript, upload at Editorial Express.

17 October 2010 to 31 December 2019
Drew Hemment

Guest Editor
Drew Hemment

Leonardo calls for papers documenting cross-disciplinary thinking on participatory observation and mapping of the environment, climate and biodiversity; environmental data systems and services; and environmental sustainability in a networked society.

Leonardo is soliciting texts that document the works of artists, researchers and scholars involved in the exploration of citizens as environmental data gatherers, and new approaches to environmental data systems and environmental sustainability. Themes and issues may include:

  • Participatory mass observation of the environment, climate and biodiversity
  • New approaches to accessing, visualizing and using environmental data
  • Open data and the environment
  • Citizen science and issues of participation
  • Environmental sustainability in a networked society
  • Ubiquitous, pervasive, locative and mobile communication technology and the environment.

In urban environments in particular we are separated from the consequences of our actions as surely as the tarmac of the road cuts us off from the earth beneath. This physical boundary encourages a phenomenological separation. Innovative approaches to participatory observation and mapping can overcome this separation, when combined with the way the Internet and digital media have enabled individuals to produce and share information globally and instantly. An ability for citizens to generate environmental data, augmented by freely available public environmental data and combined with new techniques of accessing, visualizing and using that data can help to reconnect people to the environment and contribute to the movement toward environmental sustainability.

Linked activities exploring the Environment 2.0 theme have been led by FutureEverything (Futuresonic) and Lancaster University (U.K.).

Proposals and Inquiries
Interested authors may submit manuscript proposals or inquiries to Leonardo.

Manuscript Submissions
For detailed instructions for manuscript and art preparation, visit Information for Journal Authors.

To submit a completed manuscript, upload at Editorial Express.