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Effigies in Cork

ReR Megacorp, Thornton Heath, UK, 2003 (CD)

Reviewed by Michael R. (Mike) Mosher
Saginaw Valley State University, University Center MI 48710 USA


The first notes of this CD made me think of a more intellectual NRBQ or Ben Vaughan Combo. VRIL is twangy, guitar-rich instrumental rock yet with riskier melodies and time signatures than expected. Its rhythmic creativity marks it as another project of productive percussionist Chris Cutler, who has drummed for over nearly four decades with experimental and individualistic players like the Art Bears, the Residents, Fred Frith, David Thomas, and many others.

VRIL teams Cutler’s drums with the fascinating runs of Dutch guitarist, Lukas Simonis, atop the able support of bass player Bob Drake. The result is music that a Cal Tech physicist who surfs on weekends would enjoy. After the opening tour-de-force "supersonic canteen" (all titles are lower case), the playlist remains interesting, though running out of steam a bit, until picking back up with the cut "implacable swordfish". ReR Megacorp's packaging gives the Effigies in Cork CD the variegated delights of a well-designed vinyl album of old, from a classical look parodying Deutsche Grammophon's label to Tim Schwartz's odd neo-Victorian imagery. Frank Keyes provides verbose, funny liner notes and obscurantist song titles. Plenty to keep one interested and alert on that long drive to the beach.



Updated 1st May 2004

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