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Twilight Clones

by Robert Ziino
Self-published (BMI Artist), 2004
Audio CD-ROM, 32'08", $13.00
Artist Website: http://www.experimentalartists.com/.

Reviewed by Stefaan Van Ryssen
Hogeschool Gent
Jan Delvinlaan 115, 9000 Gent, Belgium


Robert Ziino has been around at the electronic music stage since the 80's of last century. This is his first solo CD. All tracks are constructed along similar lines. A rhythmic loop supports some improvisational synthesizer melodic voice, much like a cantus firmus supporting a treble voice in late medieval music. The timbre and the instruments are contemporary; the idea is as old as recorded Western music. So what's the point? According to the composer, the atmosphere of the CD should be futuristic or science-fiction like. Disorientation, fear, biomechanical lifeforms, and warped perceptions should be all around. At a superficial level, this is, indeed, the case, thanks to the screeching sounds and the threatening baseline. As a contribution to the universum of electronic music however, it is not a fearsome product. The CD has a nice picture at the back, though.



Updated 1st December 2004

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