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You Can Hear me

by Ehmes (Pat Mantovi)
Ivotnam Records, Long Island, NY, 2003
Audio CD, Catalog number: 1B5788-80378C, $11.99
Distributor website:

Reviewed by Stefaan Van Ryssen
Hogeschool Gent


Ehmes's third album, after 'Center Hold Release' and 'Ivotnam Anthem', was released on Ivotnam records. The label is run and named after Pat Mantovi himself, who claims to have been influenced by Aphex Twin, Plaid, Amon Tobin and Bonobo, and other inspirations ranging from jazz to Intelligent Dance Music.

The general mood of the record is melancholy, mainly because of the melodious and mildly rhythmic instrumental pieces. The 'songs' are built on a single simple musical phrase that returns over and over again in different digital arrangements. Strings, keyboards and percussion are mixed in very unassuming and unsurprising combinations. To my heart-felt sorrow, none of these collages leaves a lasting impression, neither for technical prowess nor for musical content. It is as if the musician has nothing to say and does some Saturday afternoon mixing. It doesn't hurt, and it doesn't heal. The most imaginative things that happen are the rhythmic cells, which are sometimes a bit too complex for the dance scene.




Updated 1st August 2004

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