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Peter Behrens and a New Architecture for the Twentieth Century.

by Stanford Anderson.
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., 2000.
ISBN: 0-262-01176-X.
Reviewed by Roy R. Behrens, Department of Art, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50613-0362, U.S.A. E-mail: ballast@netins.net

This is a lengthy, superbly written book about the life, work and cultural milieu of one of the most interesting architectural, industrial and graphic designers of the 20th century, better known for having influenced three famous protÚgÚs (Mies Van der Rohe, Le Corbusier and Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius) than for his own contributions as designer of his innovative Art Nouveau home in the Darmstadt Artists' Colony; as director of the Kunstgewerbeschule at DÄsseldorf; as a founding member of the Deutscher Werkbund; and as corporate designer for AEG, the still extant German electrical firm. Before his death in 1940, he played a brief and minor role in Albert Speer's plans for redesigning Berlin. The text is unrelenting in its attempt to identify Behrens' own influences and trace the sequence of his thoughts. It is assuredly richer because of the accompanying 250 illustrations, and, especially, the thoughtful and fitting design by Yasuyo Iguchi. (Reprinted by permission from Ballast Quarterly Review 15, No. 4, Summer 2000.)

Updated 13 September 2000.

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