CALL FOR PAPERS: Vulnerability | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

CALL FOR PAPERS: Vulnerability

10 July 2024 to 6 January 2025

Organized by: 
Cyland; Leonardo; 

From rampant pandemics to rising seas, from hospital hacks to mental manipulation, our vulnerabilities often dominate our discourse. Leonardo and Cyland welcome artists, critical theorists, scientists, and technologists working to apply art and other creativity in the face of these threats and fears. Contributions will be included in a special issue of Leonardo Journal, which will explore the multifaceted theme of “Vulnerability.” This issue aims to delve into diverse perspectives on vulnerability, spanning various domains and contexts. As we navigate an ever-changing world, understanding and addressing vulnerability becomes increasingly crucial.

Topics of Interest (but not limited to):

  • Ecosystem Fragility: Explore the delicate balance of ecosystems, their susceptibility to external factors, and the impact of human activity.
  • Memory Vulnerability: Investigate how memory—both individual and collective—can be fragile, altered, or lost over time. 
  • Human and Non-Human Bodies: Reflect on the (anti)fragility of bodies, considering physical, emotional, and societal aspects.
  • Biological, Social, and Cyberspaces: Examine vulnerabilities within biological systems, social structures, and digital realms.
  • Stories of the Future: Share speculative narratives that envision vulnerable futures, where technology, environment, and humanity intersect. 
  • Preserving Aging Media Art: Discuss strategies for safeguarding and revitalizing aging media artworks, which themselves embody vulnerability.
  • Natural vs. Technological Equilibrium: Explore the dynamic balance between natural and technological forces.

Proposals and Inquiries
Interested authors may submit manuscript proposals or inquiries to Leonardo.

Manuscript Submissions
For detailed instructions for manuscript and art preparation, visit Information for Journal Authors
Completed manuscripts can be uploaded at Editorial Express.

Dates or Deadline: 
January 6, 2025: Manuscript submission


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