Call for Papers: ArtScience: The Essential Connection | Leonardo

Call for Papers: ArtScience: The Essential Connection

Dates or Deadline: 
22 February 2012 to 29 February 2024
Organized by: 
Leonardo Journal

Guest editor: Robert Root-Bernstein

What is the value of artistic practices, techniques, inventions, aesthetics and knowledge for the working scientist? What is the value of scientific practices, techniques, inventions, aesthetics and knowledge for the artist? When does art become science and science, art? Or are these categories useless at their boundaries and intersections?

Can an individual excel at both science and art, or is even a passing familiarity with one sufficient to influence significantly the other? Do the arts ever contribute significantly to scientific progress? Where will current scientific innovations lead the arts in the next few decades?

Leonardo publishes an ongoing special section devoted to exploring these questions. Submissions can be from artistic scientists who find their art avocation valuable; from scientist-artist collaborators who can demonstrate a scientific or artistic innovation; from scientifically literate artists who draw problems, materials, techniques or processes from the sciences; or from historians of art or science looking at past examples of such interactions.

Proposals and Inquiries
Interested authors may submit manuscript proposals or inquiries to Leonardo.

Manuscript Submissions
For detailed instructions for manuscript and art preparation, visit Information for Journal Authors.

To submit a completed manuscript, upload at Editorial Express.

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