Miguel Álvarez-Fernández

Miguel Álvarez-Fernández is a composer, sound artist, musicologist, sound theorist and curator born in Madrid in 1979. After his studies of Composition at the Conservatory of El Escorial (Madrid), Law (B.A. from the Complutense University of Madrid) and Musicology (M.A. from the University of Oviedo, where Álvarez-Fernández is currently finishing his Ph.D.), Miguel Álvarez-Fernández was selected composer-in-residence at the historical "Residencia de Estudiantes" (the cultural institution where Federico García Lorca, Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí met each other in the 1920's) between 2002 and 2005.
In 2005 he curated, along with María Bella, the public-sound-art Project "Itinerarios del sonido" (www.itinerariosdelsonido.org), taking place in different public spaces of Madrid.
Between 2005 and 2008 Miguel Álvarez-Fernández lived in Berlin, where he worked both as a guest researcher and as a guest composer at the Electronic Music Studio of the Technical University Berlin (TUB). During the course 2007-2008 he also lectured about "Aesthetics of Electroacoustic Music" at the Electronic Music Studio of the TUB.
He has lived in Madrid since 2008 where he hosts "Ars Sonora", a weekly radio program devoted to experimental music and sound art in Radio Clásica / RNE (Spanish National Radio). For more information and podcasts, please visit http://www.arssonora.es>www.arssonora.es).Miguel Álvarez-Fernández is part, along with Asia Piascik and Stefan Kersten, of the art group DissoNoiSex (www.dissonoisex.org), devoted to the aesthetic exploration of the convergences between sound art and sexuality.
His compositions, radio pieces and sound installations have been presented in Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Serbia, Denmark, Lithuania and United States, as well as in different radio stations around the world.