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Eleonora Bilotta

at University of Calabria

Eleonora Bilotta is full professor of Cognitive Psychology at the Department of Physics, Humanities Faculty, University of Calabria (Italy), where she is the director of the Laboratory of Psychology. She is one of the directors of the interdisciplinary group of research ESG (Evolutionary Systems Group). The activities of the group are present at the following web address: http://galileo.cincom.unical.it/. She has published more than 200 scientific papers and various books on Science of Complexity and Artificial Life, Discrete and Continuous Dynamic Systems, Generative and Evolutionary Music. Some covers of the scientific journals Complexity and International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos have been dedicated to research papers published by Eleonora Bilotta. She has presented her works in many national and international Universities, among which we can cite University of Berkley (CA) and Urbana Champaign (Chicago). Moreover, she has worked in various national and international projects, is the coordinator of the Ph.D Course in Psychology of Programming and Artificial Intelligence, and has funded the Ph.D School Archimedes in Science, Communication and Technology.
Among her publications, we can cite:
Bilotta E. & Pantano P. (2010), Cellular Automata and Complex Systems: Methods for Modelling Biological Phenomena, IGI-Global, NY.
Bilotta E. & Pantano P. (2008), A Gallery of Chua Attractors, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, ISBN-13 978-981-279-062-0.
Bilotta E., Pantano P. & Stranges F. (2007), A Gallery of Chua Attractors. Part I, Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 17-1, 1-60.
Bilotta E., Pantano P. & Stranges F. (2007), A Gallery of Chua Attractors. Part II, Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 17-2, 293-380.

Journal Articles:
General Articles

Connecting Art and Science for Education: Learning through an Advanced Virtual Theater with “Talking Heads”

October 2010
General Articles

Toward the Use of Chua's Circuit in Education, Art and Interdisciplinary Research: Some Implementation and Opportunities

October 2013