Jan Baetens (b. 1957) is Full Professor at the University of Leuven (Belgium), where he teaches the cultural studies program (www.culturelestudies.be).
He is the founding editor or coeditor of the literary journals conséquences (1983-1991), Formules (since 1997), FPC/Formes poétiques contemporaines (since 2002), the bilingual peer-reviewed academic e-journal Image (&) Narrative (since 1999: www.imageandnarrative.net) and the bilingual online art magazine PLACE ( https://www.place-plateforme.com/ ).
He is the (co)author and/or co(editor) of more than fifty volumes and special issues, among which:
The Graphic Novel. An Introduction (with Hugo Frey), New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
A voix haute. Poésie et lecture publique. Brussels: Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2016. English translation: Poetry Performed, Louisiana University at Lafayette Press, 2021
The Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel, coedited with Hugo Frey and Steve Tabachnick. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
The Film Photonovel, Austin, TX: Texas University Press, 2019
Rebuilding Storyworlds, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2020,
For an overview of his academic production, see:
As a poet, he has published twenty books of poetry (all in French), some of them in collaboration with visual artists such as Olivier Deprez, Milan Chlumsky and Sébastien Conard. In 2007, he has been awarded the « Prix triannuel de poésie de la Communauté française de Belgique ».
For a full overview of his poetic production, see: