Safak Uysal

Safak Uysal was born in 1978, in Bodrum/Turkey. He graduated from METU Dept. of City and Regional Planning in 1999, and completed his master’s degree with a focus on body-space relationship at Bilkent University in 2001. Having taken interest in dance in 1995, he worked with METU Contemporary Dance Group for the following 7 years during which he created numerous individual and group choreographies while also assuming positions that extend from general coordination to graphic design as part of METU Int. Contemporary Dance Festival. Until today, he contributed to various projects including two interactive installations titled "loophole" and "cammekan" (with O. Ozakin and U. Sumnu), "Home Sweet Home" (directed by E. Koyuncuoglu); "Neden? Why? Cima? Incu? . . ." (choreographed by M. Tomasyan); "Parallel" (with B. Ozturk), "Lungo Drom / Uzun Yol” (irected by S. Ates); "In Trust in the Near East"; and "The Woman Who Cooked Her Husband" (directed by O. Yula) "Hit-and-Miss" (with E. Celik, D. Ileri, B. Murphy, T. Tuna); "Monday in the Sun" (with B. Dehmen); and "On Beauty of Love . . ." (chor. By B. Murphy). He has carried on his work with [laboratuar] since 2003; is still continuing his doctorate studies with a focus on the relationship between architecture and image-production technologies at Bilkent University; is teaching at various universities and educational structures on basic design, visual arts & culture, applications in contemporary art, dance history and movement; and, finally, is an active member of Contemporary Performing Arts Initiative since its establishment in 2005.