| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Jacques Mandelbrojt


Jacques Mandelbrojt is an artist and theoretical physicist. He has been painting since 1942 and has participated in 30 national and international one-man shows and 20 group shows since 1954. He has published 25 notes and articles in theoretical physics and was Professor at Marseille University. These dual activities led him to compare art and science and especially their creative processes and hence:
be Co-Editor of Leonardo (1970-1986) and Honorary Editor since 1986;
write over 29 articles on art and science since 1967, mainly in Leonardo (15 articles, editorial, notes since 1969), co-edit with L. Alcopley and G. Careri a special issue ãArt and Science: Similarities, Differences and Interactionsä Leonardo 27, No. 3,1994, publish 2 books on these themes, give numerous lectures and co-organize several colloquia; and
create a University Department of Visual Arts (1970-1973) and deliver a course on art and science.
Since 1990 Mandelbrojt has been a member of MIM (Laboratoire Musique et Informatique de Marseille), where he collaborates with music composers. They produced together several music-paintings works where either music is composed from his paintings or he paints from their music. They also produced a CDRom, Peintures Parcourues (paintings perused), with 400 of his paintings.
This collaboration with composers led him to write the editorial ãIntersenses,ä Leonardo 32, No. 1, 1999, and co-edit with Jack Ox a special section of Leonardo, ãSynesthesia-Intersenses.ä

Journal Articles:


February 1999
Special Section: The Aesthetic Status of Technological Art

Introduction: The Aesthetic Status of Technological Art

June 1999
Special Section: The Aesthetic Status of Technological Art, Part 2

Special Section Introduction

August 1999

The Pencil and the Mouse

August 1999

The Sound of Painting: Music in Modern Art

June 2000
Special Section: ArtScience: The Essential Connection

Similarities and Contrasts in Artistic and Scientific Creation-Discovery

October 2006

Multiple-Time Installation

February 2011

Benoit Mandelbrot and Fractals in Art, Science and Technology

April 2011
Articles and Notes

On Improvised Music, Computational Creativity and Human-Becoming

December 2017
Special Section: Global Crossings: The Cultural Roots of Globalization: The Spirit and Power of Water Project

Music, Colors and Movements of Water

August 2003
Special Section: Intersenses and New Technologies

Introduction: Intersenses and New Technologies

August 2003