Pietro Pantano
at University of CalabriaPietro Pantano is full professor of Physics-Mathematics at the Engineering Faculty of University of Calabria, where he leads the research group on Industrial Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics. He is one of the directors of the Evolutionary Systems Group (ESG, http://galileo.cincom.unical.it/) at the University of Calabria, that develops theoretical, applied and industrial researches. Thanks to these researches various products as audio-CD, exhibitions, videos, interactive multimedia, and 10 covers of international journals (2 on Complexity and 8 on the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos) have been realized.
He is the coordinator of the SCIENAR project (financed by Culture 2007-2013Programme) and has coordinated the unit of research Unical in the international project “Comson” as well as in the “Mathematical Models and Applications to Microelectronics” project (Programs for Internationalizing University System 2004-2006).
He is the author of more than 230 scientific papers, studies and multimedia productions. His research interests range from mathematical modeling, the theory of complexity, artificial life, and scientific visualization to generative and evolutionary music. Moreover he is one of the authors of the book “A Gallery of Chua Attractors”, published by Wiley Interscience
Web: http://galileo.cincom.unical.it/professors/pantano.html