Siobhan Roberts
Siobhan Roberts is the author of the recently published King of Infinite Space: Donald Coxeter, The Man Who Saved Geometry. Her article in Leonardo (April 2007) is adapted from King of Infinite Space and titled "A Reclusive Artist Meets Minds with a World-Famous Geometer." Roberts is a Toronto-based freelance writer and journalist whose work focuses on reconciling what the British novelist and scientist C.P. Snow famously referred to as "the two cultures" of science and art. She has written for numerous general interest and scientific publications including the New York Times, Science Times, the Boston Globe, Ideas, Seed, The Walrus, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Canadian Geographic, Toronto Life, the Globe and Mail, National Post, and Toronto Star. She is currently filming a documentary on Coxeter. Her magazine profile of the geometer, Figure Head, appeared in Toronto Life magazine and won a National Magazine Award. During the 2007-2008 academic year she will be a Director's Visitor at the Institute for Advance Study, in Princeton.