| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Herbert Franke


Herbert W. Franke (born 1927) is an Austrian scientistand writer, living in Germany. He is considered one of the most important science fictionauthors in Europe and worldwide a pioneer in the field of visual computer art.
Franke studied physics, mathematics, chemistry, psychology andphilosophy in Vienna and received his ph.d. in theoretical physics. Since1957, he has worked as a freelance author and artist. He wrote more than 40books, among them novels and short stories as well as books about popularscience and scientific books in art theory and cave exploration. More than25 years, he held lectures in "Cybernetic Aesthetics" (later "ComputerGraphics - Computer Art") at the University and at the Academy of Fine Artsin Munich. In 1979, he co-founded the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz.

Journal Articles:


October 2003

A Contribution to the Leonardo Discussion

February 2015