Wen-Shu Lai
Associate Professorat National Chiao Tung University
Focus area: , , Art History, Design, , Video, Film, Performance Art, Theater Studies
Wen-Shu Lai is an associate professor in the Institute of Applied Arts at the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. From 2001 to 2004, Lai taught at Angelo State University in Texas as an assistant professor of art. She attended the University of Iowa, where she had earned her MA and MFA degrees in Art/Design, and Doctoral degree in Art Education. She is currently the director of the transArt NCTU team since 2008 at the National Chiao Tung University. She was a recipient of the Fulbright Grant for Art in 2011, and a visiting scholar at UC Berkekey in 2016. Her research interests are in Interdisciplinary Arts, Aesthetic theory, Hermeneutic Theory, and Art Education.
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